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TMC’s 2022 Fall Meeting & National Technician Skills Competitions
September 25, 2022 - September 29, 2022

TMC’s 2022 Fall Meeting & National Technician Skills Competitions
September 25-29, 2022 | Cleveland, Ohio
TMC’s 2022 Fall Meeting offers a comprehensive collection of educational sessions designed to keep your maintenance personnel on the cutting edge of vehicle technology. In addition to TMC’s educational session lineup, we’re also offering the following unique opportunities:
TMCSuperTech 2022: Trucking’s 17th annual National Technician Skills Competitions, at which technicians will compete for top honors and valuable prizes. The competition kicks off first thing on Sunday, Sept. 25, and features three tracks — traditional (heavy duty), trailer, and light/medium vehicle. Winners will be announced at Tuesday evening’s TMCSuperTech 2022 Awards Banquet, which is open to both contestants and meeting attendees.
TMCFutureTech 2022: Our seventh annual National Student Technician Competition, TMCFutureTech 2022 consists of a set of skill stations for technician students to be held on Monday, Sept. 26. Winners will be announced at Tuesday evening’s TMCSuperTech 2022 Awards Banquet.
TMC’s TEC Technician Training Fair: Our Technician and Educator Committee (TEC) is offering an in-depth series of training sessions for technicians and supervisors on Tuesday, Sept. 27.
Trailblazers in Thought Leadership: TMC is a trailblazer in thought leadership, meaning you have direct access to information on equipment and technology specifications and maintenance best practices. At TMC, trucking equipment and technology professionals can:
Participate in TMC’s Future Truck Initiative. As the only industry association that is focused solely on truck technology and maintenance, TMC and its member companies work together with OEM’s to create the industry’s standards for future truck technology and equipment that help ensure that the truck of the future is one that is the most efficient to operate and maintain.
Gain and share information with hundreds of your peers at TMC’s Shop Talk, a free-form discussion on equipment issues.
Resolve troubling equipment issues at TMC’s Town Meeting and Fleet Operators’ Forum.
Participate in voluntary standards-setting efforts through TMC’s Study Groups and Task Forces, which are tackling important issues such as electronic logging devices, natural gas powered vehicles and emerging onboard technologies.
What’s more, TMC meetings are designed for the costconscious. In addition to the industry’s best educational programming, fully registered attendees enjoy several full meals, our competition awards banquet and our Wednesday evening social event as part of their registration fee. That’s a $300 value alone, and there’s no registration fee increases for 2022!